HSN 2021 BPS Biak Numfor Regency’s Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Biak Numfor Regency

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HSN 2021 BPS Biak Numfor Regency’s Activities

HSN 2021 BPS Biak Numfor Regency’s Activities

September 26, 2021 | Other Activities

The implementation of the HSN 2021 BPS Biak Numfor activity was enlivened by various activities such as competitions that were participated by partners such as a photography competition with the theme of statistical activities of BPS Biak Numfor Regency, then there were several competitions held at the Biak BPS office Numfor attended by employees and PPNPN. The competitions held consisted of dominoes, cooking, and quizzes. The peak activity of the 2021 HSN BPS Biak Numfor was held at the BPS Biak Numfor office by presenting all employees, PPNPN, and partners to take part in eating together and cutting the tumpeng. The peak activity was also enlivened by various competitions which were participated by the children of the employees. This 2021 HSN activity is not carried out as in previous years which was carried out lively at beaches with many partners, this is due to the ongoing pandemic conditions and the implementation of PPKM level 2 in Biak Numfor Regency. The tradition of giving parcels to retired families of BPS Biak Numfor Regency also does not missed from the series of activities for the 2021 HSN BPS Biak Numfor Regency.
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