Disseminated Research Results by BPS-BRIN - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Biak Numfor Regency

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Disseminated Research Results by BPS-BRIN

Disseminated Research Results by BPS-BRIN

November 16, 2021 | Other Activities

On Tuesday (16/11) at Swiss-belhotel Cenderawasih Biak, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) disseminated research results in collaboration with the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency regarding the Analysis of the Special Theme for Long Form the 2020 Population Census: Covid-19 Pandemic. from a Social Demographic Perspective. Biak Numfor Regency was selected as the research location along with other regencies throughout Indonesia with case studies of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Demographic Change, and Adaptation Strategies for Indigenous Papuans in Biak Numfor Regency. The purpose of this research activity is to find out which community groups are vulnerable to Covid-19 and to see its impact on demographic, social, and economic conditions.

This event was opened directly by the Regional Secretary of Biak Numfor Regency, Markus O. Mansembra, SH, MM, he said that he hoped that the results of the research conducted and the data produced by BPS could assist the Regional Government in determining future policies. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Cahyo Pamungkas, M.Si as the General Researcher of BRIN delivered a brief explanation regarding the entire research activity which consisted of the reasons for choosing Biak Numfor Regency as the research location to the results of the research.

Dissemination of research results was carried out by Alfina Fasriani, SST, MT (BPS RI) and Sandy Nur Ikfal Raharjo (BRIN). the proportion of indigenous Papuans (OAP) is still high, the research methods carried out are library research, direct interviews with village heads, health centers, medical personnel, the community, and OPD, and field observations. The data collection locations themselves cover 13 districts in Biak Numfor Regency and 1 district in Supiori Regency. There are several research results submitted, namely, Demographic Patterns for the Covid-19 Pandemic, Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Trend of Changes in Social-Demographic Characteristics, Strategies for Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic, and Knowledge and Understanding of OAP on the Term of Pandemic in Biak-Numfor Culturally. and Historically.

After that, a discussion session on the results of the research was held with the resource persons, namely Akhmad Fauzi, SST (BPS Biak Numfor Regency), Ruslan, S.Sos, SKM, M.AP, M.Kes (Covid-19 Handling Task Force/Health Service), and Adolof Baransano ( Customary Council). The activity was closed by the Head of the Papua Province BPS, Adriana Helena Carolina, SE, MM, she conveyed several things related to the importance of the data produced by the 2020 Population Census.

This activity was also attended by various sources from Bappeda, Social Service, Village Community Empowerment Service, Population Service and Civil Registry, Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Student Association, UNICEF Consultant, Customary Council, and Religious Leaders.

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